Sustainability and economic efficiency.

We are more than service providers. We are the ones whose opinion you rely on. We are the ones you can't avoid. When it comes to real estate and its sustainability, we are the first and last contact. We are partners, convincers, confidants.

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Rauschende Wellen treffen auf kantige Felsen
Our Mission

About Westbridge Group

Our mission is straightforward: To preserve the future, we have to break out of familiar patterns and set new standards. We are leaving old terrain and building a bridge between profitability and sustainability.
We are shaping the future of the real estate industry - confidently, trustingly and closely.

More about Westbridge

Services & Products

The Westbridge Group's range of services extends from green building measures and energy purchasing to sustainable operations management and smart metering concepts. In concrete terms, this means that we deal with e-mobility and charging stations in buildings, carry out sustainability certifications or set up measures for water conservation and waste disposal, among other things.

Sound like a lot? It is! But complex requirements need complex solutions. That's why we offer: One single point of contact for all your needs.

Our Products & Services
Modernes Bürogebäude


Westbridge expands sustainability consulting resources with acquisition of majority in Frankfurt-based ESG boutique Magnolia

The Westbridge Group (Westbridge) has acquired majority ownership of Magnolia Consulting (Magnolia), a Frankfurt-based ...

Wiebke Weidner becomes Head of HR at Westbridge

Leading energy and sustainability consultant Westbridge Advisory (Westbridge), which focuses on the real estate ...

Westbridge joins real estate association ZIA together with subsidiary agradblue

Since July 2024, Westbridge Advisory (Westbridge), an energy and sustainability consultant specializing in the real ...

IMAXXAM sets course for a sustainable future at an early stage with Power Purchase Agreement with Westbridge

The asset and portfolio manager IMAXXAM has concluded a groundbreaking Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Westbridge ...

Bell ESG Report 2024: agradblue and Westbridge Advisory at the top of the list

In August 2024, Bell Management published its so-called Bell ESG Report, which focuses on the real estate industry, for ...

Energy purchasing: Westbridge saves more than 500,000 euros for FLE

Westbridge Advisory International AG - the pan-European arm of leading ESG specialist Westbridge - has advised ...

PPA – Three Letters, Triple Effect

Power Purchase Agreement or PPA - if you pay attention to these three letters when purchasing energy for your real ...

Tenants can reduce service charges by a flat rate of 24 percent if...

Losing the thread - a saying that probably comes from weaving: a lost thread primarily means a loss of time. In the ...

Barings expands long-standing partnership with sustainable support for Westbridge Advisory

As sole lender, Barings, a leading global investment manager, is providing additional sustainability-linked lines of ...

Greenwishing instead of greenwashing – by AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and ESG - a connection that is not particularly high on the agenda in the real estate ...

Westbridge and Hines cooperate: PPA model key to CRREM-compliant green power supply

Westbridge Advisory (Westbridge), a leading energy and sustainability advisor to the real estate industry, has advised ...

Björn Engelhardt becomes Head of Commercial Sales

Frankfurt am Main, March, 5 2024. Björn Engelhardt is moving up at energy and sustainability expert Westbridge Advisory ...

Putting your finger on the good

We need more utopias. This is the title of an article on Perspective Daily - a German online medium for journalism that ...

CSRD: Freestyle vs. obligation

From 2024, around 15,000 companies in Germany will be required to publish sustainability reports. The trigger is the ...

From unused commercial roof to solar farm

Logistics centers, production facilities, shopping centers - commercially used real estate in this country has a ...

Skanska’s Commercial Development Unit invited Westbridge for portfolio screening

Energy and sustainability consultant Westbridge Advisory (Westbridge) has been mandated by Skanska’s Commercial ...

Westbridge and KLÉPIERRE Germany conclude Power Purchase Agreement for four shopping centers

Westbridge Advisory (Westbridge), one of the leading energy and sustainability advisors in the real estate industry, ...

Westbridge strengthens its international presence: Rosanna Woods enters Pan-European market with her own team in London

Westbridge is laying down a strategic marker on the international property market. By signing Rosanna Woods, the Energy ...

Dennis Gothan becomes Director of Sales at Westbridge

Westbridge continues to expand its sales team: Effective November 1, 2023, Dennis Gothan joins Energy & ...

Patrick Lange joins agradblue from CA Immo

Frankfurt-based ESG expert Westbridge brings Patrick Lange (36) on board as the new Director Sustainabilty for ...


Do good and talk about it - said and done. Want proof?

Monitoring operating costs is one of the primary tasks of a contemporary property management company. We are pleased that together with Westbridge we were able to achieve such a sustainable and satisfactory result for our tenants and ourselves.

Sebastian Scharff

Procurator | Becker & Kries

HANSAINVEST Real Assets stands for sustainable investments in the real estate and infrastructure sector. The fact that ESG issues are part of Westbridge's DNA therefore makes the team an ideal partner for us. We appreciate the communication at eye level. You simply notice that the consultants themselves come from the real estate industry, and the hands-on mentality always gives us new impetus to further develop our own ESG performance.

Martina Averbeck

Managing Director | HANSAINVEST Real Assets

The cooperation with Westbridge never ends with pure consulting, but one can also be accompanied in the implementation. This combination, coupled with the technical expertise for all asset classes, is a great added value. The Westbridge Group is a comprehensive sustainability manager in a complex field where one would otherwise need several consultants.

Torsten de Wendt

Procurator & Head of Asset Management | HAMBORNER REIT AG

Smart metering is an important part of the energy transition. With the expected savings effects, we will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our portfolio in the future with the help of smart metering systems.

Kai Gödeker

Head of Asset Management | noctua real estate GmbH

In day-to-day business, time is often lacking and an external look at existing processes and structures often brings improvements. So that our employees could concentrate fully on the core business and our tenants, we turned to the Westbridge Group.

Julia Siegers

Managing Director | IMMOFINANZ Deutschland

Join Our Mission

Our most valuable asset is the set of skills we have. The skills it takes to sustainably reduce the CO2 emissions of real estate. And at the same time to act economically for their owners. In this way, we create a win-win situation in which our customers benefit and we can make an impact on this world. Resources and returns in balance.

Get to know us